Come get tickets from me! SMS me if u wan, 3$ for matinee at 3pm at RI, or 6$ for night show at 7pm!!
PLEASEE! Must come support! Expect 2 hrs of fun funny phun phun entertainment!!!
This is Jiayu here! I've changed the skin already.
Hope you all like it :D
But of course, as you can see, the posting area is small.
So please try not to exceed the boundaries of the posting area!
Like, when you post up photos, please set it to small or medium.
(: Hope you get what I mean yeah.
Cause if you set it to large, well, it'd be large.
And it'll go out of the posting area. So take note yeah.
And please please please don't anyhow add random stuff and screw up the whole skin okay. I painstaking took many many hours cropping the image (the background was seriously ugly), thinking of what background to put it with, how to arrange it, brushes or no brushes etc etc. So don't make my effort go to waste okay! Although, if you wanna add anything you can ask me to add it in, in case you don't want to risk getting killed by me :D Okay? Okay.
Hope you all will like this one :D
Personalised, yo. And don't say you look ugly in the picture.
Cause in fact, you can't really see your face clearly in it anyway.
SO YES! Don't complain anymore lah okay. I tried my best already :P
So, having faced treacherous photo-taking bears and long detours and interesting conversations, we finally reached the best part of the class outing: the tree tops.
All of us have been there before, it being my second time, but the view was still supendous. If you read the previous post, we only made it in the nick of time, so the guard was sort of hurrying us. Poor dude, everyday has to make the long trek there, stone for the whole day, feed mosquitoes etc. Then again, he gets to breath fresh air, play on the treetop walk and read the many interesting brochures there (which he unfortunately did not want us to take any, and prefered us to go down and take, since he did not want to have to replenish them).
Anyway, pictures speak thousand words so here goes (btw, the bear was too heavy to go on the walk, and was very exhausted after the uphill climbs to the walk, panting and all, so we parted sadly with it with the guard looking at us bewilderedly. I forgot to mention, we have a strong feeling that the bear was the reason why we were allowed to go in at the last minute)ANyway, pictures:
not standing so rigidly, but I am posing wierdly... Its a wierd day la, not my fault, how often do you get 3 ppl class outings with bears?!
Anyway, you are probably thinking now, Leonard
This is a fantastic excellent picture. omg!!! I look like a happy sailor going: land ahoy! After you have finish admiring this brilliant piece of art, continuing reading. This picture sadly have
bad lighting... Oh well, all you need to know is that we are happy p
This picture is so pro. It was a slight gradient so we seized the chance to use self timer! (please dont tell my mum I put the expensive camera on the wet floor...) Unfortunately, you cant really see us very much. But at least you should marvel in wonder on how on earth I manage to cram beside Daniel Low in the cram place...
So with this comes the end of the treetop walk. But need I mention it is only 5 pm! And the last final picture is taken at 619pm. Lots more await: 40 more pictures and a whole lot of narration from moi. But I shall stop from now because I have to go to school tomorrow (Yes, on a SATURDAY!!)
Labels: Tree top walk
From a good 20 people, it dropped to 7 on the day before and 3 just a few minutes before meeting time at 230pm... And that was how my many sms, calls, time and effort went down the drain...
We had trekked from Ai Tong to the forest path entry point, all the while catching up on the changes since the 2 year plus seperation, while braving the drizzle and walking towards huge dark storm clouds. Looking at the signages, we realised that we were only 1.4km away from the treetop walk, and thus, ventured happily into the forest trek.
Overly engrossed in our continuous conversation ( we still had not lost the talkativeness inherent in 6A as our teachers would enthusiastically lament), consisting of jokes on the definition of CLASS outings, the OBS experience, lamenting on how HCI had a longer recess despite only having half the student population size so they could spend much of their recess playing basketball, while RI students had to descend 7 storeys from their classes followed by a mad 200m sprint to the canteen with a grumbling stomach, before spending most of recess time waiting in line etc. Then, I saw a sign: Tree top walk: 1km in the opposite direction.
We realised that we had overshot and completely missed it, after laughing at ourselves (surprised? we were miraculously optimistic that happy day), and went backwards while continuing ranting. Then we noticed DL's Judo shirt with a judoka throwing a bear, and we happily changed the subject:
Me: Daniel...
DK: ?
Me: No, the other Daniel
DK: Orh
DL: yes?
Me: would you throw a bear that tries to eat you? Or would you bite it first?
Before long, we were nearing the entrance, yet not seeing any opening to any treetops. Sensing something amiss, we saw a beaten track into the dense jungle, with a treetop sign pointing vaguely at it, we decided to venture into the unknown.
Having to fend off slippery muddy slopes and thorny bushes, I decided, enough was enough! But does that mean we turn back in retreat and surrender?! NO! It meant: Me: Judoka go first
Thus, the judokah charged and bulldozed through.
Taken aback, the other Daniel and I followed cautiously behind (actually, we expected a dead end and didnt wanna waste energy detouring). DL was soon out of sight. THen, the terrible happened, there sounded like a scuffle, growling, biting and throwing. And DL came back happily, dragging a bear behind. All we could say was: Ah damn! detour!, and headed back to the entrance.
Then, it started to pour. And you wonder why the canopy keeps away sunlight so well but lets all the rain in... And we saw a frog! Leonard the happy photographer whipped out his camera and prepared to take a picture. It was a small frog.
To protect the camera from the rain, DL held the bear in one hand and used the other giant umbrella hand to shade the camera. Little did he know that he was blocking the happy photographer's view. SO Leonard fumbled with the zooming functions while straining to look through the giant hand. Leonard did not dare talk to the hand for seeing what the other hand was doing to the other bear was intimidating. ANd then the frog jumped away. Oh well.
Deciding that the rain was too heavy, and that the treetop walk was playing hide and seek, we decided to camp at a shelter.
Labels: Very long 3 man class outing account, with pictures