At LJ's ( DISCLAIMER: These are the people currently writing this post): ♥ LEJING, SHIYUN, JIAYU, LEONARD, NIGEL, DANIEL LOW, DELWIN, WEI LUN
luncheon meat is sssssseiiiiiiiick. (SEAN OWES LEONARD MONEY FOR THE MEAT AND ALL HIS MANLY EFFORT TO OPEN IT!) He also owes us half an hour of our final moments of 2009, whining and complaining about his forfeit which he in the end didn't do...bad sport)
Sherlock Holmes was controversial, garnering mixed reviews. Leonard is unable to give a review because SOMEONE did not know how to tickle to keep him awake... (WeiLun FYI) Poor Delwin and Dlow were forced to watch it again, AWWWW. Thank GOD we didn't watch Alvin and the Chipmunks! (Qian Yi and Leonard high 5s)
Leonard's House was awesome!^#@^%#$&^@ What a fantabulous host he is! (Yeah right...)
Cheryn lost the game PIG, in which Qian Yi MADE UP ALOT OF RULES!! Dlow got bankrupt in poker in the first round... Sean convinced Qian Yi to go ALL IN against Leonard when she had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING = bankrupt! Nigel was awesome until Sean tricked him (that bastard...)...
Instead of Cheryn, Dlow, and Sean dancing, Qian Yi came up with a new deal! We would have to force Sean to dance! Dlow threatened him like a man, till Sean was on the verge of tears, whimpering. However, seeing as it was a happy occasion, we went easy on Sean("give chance la!!"), deciding to feed him luncheon meat instead. However he kept refusing -.- !!! Wasted us of our final precious minutes of 2009!
Qian Yi Nigel and Sean had a final face-off to decide who would dance SIngle Ladies! Nigel was charitable to Qian Yi and Sean felt bullied.
Thankfully Hazel and Jiayu came just in time to watch the "good" show (看好戏). Jiayu came right after her Batam trip (WHOOO!) where she bought groceries (Right.) and Hazel walked all the way to Leonard's house! Nice effort.
Qian Yi permed her hair! Sexay! Jia Wen dyed her hair! Cool! Hazel dyed her hair! But it looked barely dyed! ...futility. Leonard and Nigel tried to dye their hair.... FAIL. Not cool...
LJ's putting her leg over her head!!! GROSS!^#@ She took chocos again and is making alot of noise and moving alot, incessantly complaining that Life Sucks but her "high-ness" gives her away (but don't tell her that!)
Leonard had to walk to and fro between LJ's and his house THRICE to bring people to pick up their bags....
BTW, Sean, if you are reading this now.... We noticed some leftover food and other assorted rubbish in your hoody during dinner. Did it magically appear there?! AND where did it go!? This looks like a case for Sherlock Holmes! ANYWAY, given how understand and "mature" you are, we're sure you'll forgive us for not telling you! If you don't... there's always luncheon meat waiting for you at the next outing! :P So, we accept your forgiveness in advance! PS, did we mention? Poor Leonard has to eat luncheon meat the whole day tomorrow...
Now, we're all stoning all over the place. Shiyun has stopped playing the piano, lest it disturbs the neighbours, and well, the rest are just frolicking around basically... We had Truth or Dare, which failed sorta and a Joke telling session which kinda failed too. Well, at least now we know that Life Really Does Suck Afterall, in the words of Lejing. Nonetheless, we wish all you 6A people a Happy 2010, and all the best in your respective JC-s! Not to mention for your O level results too!
Let's wait for another year before another post like this comes up shall we? (:
"Life sucks mannnnnn"